HLTA North’s Outstanding HLTA of Year 2021-2022
Sincere congratulations go to Sue Peel from Beaumont Hill Academy in Darlington who is this year’s award winner. The judging panel were highly impressed with the significant difference Sue has made to the lives of staff, students and their families as well as supporting staff professional development in another educational setting. We congratulate her and all of the nominees who were proposed for this award by their school colleagues for their outstanding practice.
The Outstanding HLTA award is aimed at teaching assistants who have gained HLTA status as recognised by HNAP and who go above and beyond the call of duty to demonstrate the vital role that HLTAs play within schools. HLTAs from across our region were nominated by school colleagues for their excellence in advancing the learning of pupils, for working effectively as part of the school community and for bringing expertise to the staff team.
Nomination details and forms for 2023 will be available in January 2024.