Higher Level Teaching Assistant Courses
Providers based in Yorkshire and North/North-East Lincolnshire
Providers based in North West England and Staffordshire
Providers based in North East England
Preparation courses for the award of HLTA status are run and managed by a number of organisations, known (PoPs), across our geographical area. The majority offer online courses through a virtual classroom approach and will take applications throughout the academic year. Click on the links above for more details.
At HLTA North work closely with all the PoPs in our region to maintain the national integrity of the status. All the courses listed on our site ensure candidates are fully prepared to be assessed for the award of HLTA Status, following the national guidance as outlined in HNAP’s Code of Practice.
Our role at HLTA North is to manage assessments rather than offer preparation courses, however we are happy to advise support staff on what is expected in terms of preparation and will direct enquiries to the courses available.
If you need help to find a course then please contact us.
Preparation for HLTA Assessment: basic course information
Preparation courses are designed for suitably experienced support staff who are already working, or are able to work, at a higher level in their educational setting and are looking to gain a professional status. HLTA status recognises their contribution to teaching and learning; their knowledge and understanding of learners; their use of legislation and frameworks in their everyday practice; and their professional attributes such as their communication skills. The preparation plus assessment can normally be completed within two school terms; the tutor led element of a course is the equivalent of three full days, or five-six online sessions. Please contact individual PoPs for information about how their course is organised and managed and the costs involved.
Further information about HLTA status and what a course involves can be found here
Longer Route training
Some training organisations offer additional days alongside the three day prep to help candidates develop and improve their practice. If you are interested in this option, contact the PoPs in your area to enquire about any additional training they provide.
An example of a longer route programme, is the one developed by Judith Robson, MBE, Senior Assessor at HLTA North. This programme offers:
an opportunity for teaching assistants to develop their knowledge and understanding and improve pedagogical skills
- a sound platform for those wanting to progress onto a preparation route to achieve HLTA status
- flexibility in that it can be tailored to meet the needs of individual schools, TSAs or Academy Trusts.
Throughout the programme candidates are asked to keep a learning journal and are supported by an experienced trainer/ tutor. At the end of the programme candidates are given appropriate support and advice to progress onto the next step.
To discuss this option with Judith, please email her at: judith.robson@northumbria.ac.uk